
Five things you didn’t know about Hrithik Roshan

Junior Roshan has a lot of traits that you might not be aware of. He has a few uncanny characteristics about himself that endears him to his fans.
Here are five of them.

Hrithik sleeps on hard mattresses : Nobody knows this but Hrithik dislikes those super-soft mattresses that most five star hotels provide for their guests. You will invariably see Hrithik asking for a hard mattress.

He can spend a long time looking at the mirror : People who have worked out with him in the past say that Hrithik loves the mirror and can stare at it for a long time while working out. No doubt he is very particular about his looks.

Hrithik’s doesn’t do a few dance steps : There are some dance steps, which are out of bounds for him. It is because Hrithik has a weak knee and back. He doesn’t do steps that can put pressure on his weak muscles. Hence, most dance steps that put pressure on his back and knees are not assigned to him by his choreographers.

Hrithik is not ashamed of his fifth finger anymore : There was a time, when Hrithik was a little apprehensive about putting up his palm on the big screen that showed his fifth finger. However, many directors have confirmed that Hrithik doesn’t mind people seeing his fifth finger anymore on the big screen. 

Hrithik has finally given up smoking : Yes, there was a time when Hrithik used to be a frequent smoker. He is one of the few Bollywood stars who has successfully kicked the habit. When SRK is still struggling with his smoking habits, Hrithik has shown the world that he can do it.

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